Notes for authors
Please note that "Neue Politische Literatur" is liable to the regulation proposed by the “Börsenverein des deutschen Buchhandels” concerning the use of excerpts from book reviews. Your consent is needed to publish your review/text.
More detailed information on the regulations concerning the use of excerpts from book reviews can be found under the following link:
Declaration of consent for scientific publishers
Review essays and essays
The journal “Neue Politische Literatur” publishes reviews on specific subjects, essays on emerging fields of political and historical research, as well as detailed reviews of central works in both fields. Our reviews are commissioned by the editors of "Neue Politische Literatur". We do not consider uninvited submissions.
Since 2012 review essays are subject to a double blind peer review process. For details please contact our senior editor Dr. Volker Koehler.
We accept texts in German or English. Formal guidelines and style sheets are available:
- NPL formal prescriptions essays
- NPL Formal requirements Review articles
- NPL Style Sheet Essays & Review Articles
Individual Reviews
Individual reviews characterise the content of the publication in question, rank it within its research context, and critically evaluate its content. In accordance with our editorial guidelines we do not accept and publish uninvited submissions.
If you are generally interested in reviewing books for "Neue Politische Literatur", please contact editor Janika Schiffel, indicating your fields of expertise and current academic position.
Formal requirements for individual reviews can be found in our style sheet "Individual Reviews":